Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Recording Tip 17: Hard drives are cheap. Buy more small drives than one large one so when it fails you don’t lose everything

Again, I may get some who disagree, and as long as everything you have is properly backed up See Recordingtip 16 you’re technically fine. But at least for me, I’d rather have to go back and restore as few projects as possible when a drive fails. I recommend two drives per project. One master, one back up when you’re done. So as drive space is so cheap these days, it’s a likely thing that you’ll buy a drive which has three times the space you need. Whatever....I use extra drive space all the time. But the point is the same. I’ll buy several smaller drives as opposed to those ginormous terabyte drives because that’s how I work.

And while we’re on the subject, it’s really good that once a year each drive you have gets spun up. We don’t really know how long any drive will last. We just know there are two kinds of drives. Those that have failed, and those that will.


  1. I don't have any scientific data to confirm your post, but I have had two terabyte or more drives fail on me. It wasn't a physical failure where the disk stopped spinning, but I believe it was an ECC error. drive size has grown exponentially without true consideration to error correction and indexability. the main filesystems out there, NTFS and HFS+ are either not fully suited to handle drives of 1TB, or the maintenance that needs to be done to keep these drives in tact hasn't been made transparent enough. either way it's time for a new filesystem, preferably one that is readable AND writeable by the major OS players, Windows and OSX. I know Linux and the others will follow and adapt because that's what Linux and the BSD family excel at - adapting to their surroundings to provide the services demanded by their user-base

  2. I hear ya king. The thing is, when you put all, or a lot of your eggs in one basket....and the bottom drops out.....well you get the idea
